analytics solutions

Analytics is a great innovation which has added value to many areas within organisations. The opportunity to reduce costs, optimise customer interactions, improve compliance, improve adviser performance, and many other ways of ensuring better operational outcomes makes analytics tech a “must-have”.

Unfortunately, speech and text analytics solutions are often sold as a silver bullet. But the reality is, you need to invest in the use and maintenance of the technology to fully realise the potential ROI.

Here’s how our team of experts can help you manage your tech to achieve maximum ROI and turn your data into decisions.

Independent analytics

We can manage the build, testing, and enhancement of speech categories aligned to your strategic objectives.

Integration of speech, text, and other data sources

Determining overall organisational strategy requires a robust, data-led view across a vast array of data sources. We can help you make sense of the data, and what decisions need to be made.

Agile delivery to support transformation

From scoping, through definition, and into delivery – our dedicated team can target critical areas such as improving First Contact Resolution, reducing Customer Effort, re-designing processes, and mapping customer pain points.

Sales, planning, marketing, everyone!

A key advantage of analytics deployment is that you can use and re-use the data, creating one version of the truth to support numerous support functions as well as your operational teams. All business functions can benefit from effective analytics deployment.

Consistent quality and compliance

The value of using BPA is our expertise in aligning QA programmes, analytics deployment, and BI and Insight generation. We can build and refine your tech, then help you get maximum juice from the squeeze!

100% coverage

Traditional QA, done well, is a fantastic source of insight. Better yet is when every single interaction you have with your customers is recorded and analysed. You can then focus on the high-value, high-risk and high-effort interactions.


Increase in new member sales

International roadside assistance company

Improvement in quality scores

Global technology company

Estimated savings

Global shipping and logistics company

Why use us for interaction analytics solutions?


Insights and coverage


With more insights and coverage across the conversations in your contact centre, technology makes it easier to identify the reasons for contact and the root causes of high AHT, and helps prioritise cost-optimisation projects without impacting first contact resolution and CSAT scores.


Speech driven quality


This expands the capability of a client’s quality organisation by adding the human element to enable maximum results to be achieved from speech analytics or AQM. Our psychometrics team ensures that attributes being measured have high customer impact.


Integration of Speech and AQM into QA Processes


Determine organisational quality strategy, including how Speech and AQM technology will be used to meet strategic goals. Understand the requirements and use cases of key stakeholders for Speech data.

Review and validation of AQM questions linked to outcome of call


Review logic and structure of AQM forms to ensure alignment to goals set by the quality strategy. Fine-tune question logic to ensure maximum alignment to quality standards. Develop new questions or forms based on prioritised



Technology-enabled change should make things better for everyone, improving user engagement and delivering actionable insight. We put your human experts at the centre of things, ensuring the success measures benefit employees, customers, and your business.


Near real-time alerts of critical issues


Determine needs for business-, customer-, and regulatory-critical categories; establish processes to report any critical violations directly in real time, or to filter them for human listening validation.

Delivers outside perspective and expertise


Provides invaluable insight without bias, ensuring you have one version of the truth for your KPIs.

Focused outcomes


Enables you to focus on the right areas of your contact centre operation to deliver focused outcomes for maximum impact.

Lawrence Sanchez, Head of Contact Centres

"We know that we are both a demanding and rewarding client and we like to try different strategies and approaches. Working with BPA we get the agility we need, and they take a refreshingly proactive approach. They are tenacious and inquisitive and want to move things forward and gain traction in our hectic environment. To have a partner that is checking in with us and requesting feedback and direction when necessary is very good."

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