Professional services

Improve your vision, strategic outcomes, and performance with our experts. Whether it’s training, delivery, transformation or advice, we can help you achieve specific business outcomes.

Our expert professional services provide independent, solutions-focused outcomes for your business.

Quality effectiveness audit

Our QEA provides analysis and benchmarking against your competitors and industry best practice, and a comprehensive review of challenges and opportunities. We align our insights to your strategic objectives to help drive change and service improvement.


We can enhance your operational strategies, reducing costs, improving CX and EX, and identifying areas of opportunity to improve product and service delivery.


Our specialists provide unbiased, focused support services designed to improve your organisation. We can support with better use of tech, transform your training programmes, and utilise your data to provide you with moments of truth in your customer journeys.

Process optimisation

We’ll help you maximise your operational activity with journey reviews, storyboards and proactive analysis of your as-is processes. We’ll also support improvements with collaborative approaches to improving your processes and procedures.

Coaching and feedback

Our training solutions aren’t just about impactful delivery of skills and knowledge. Our consultants also provide full programme reviews and training needs analysis to identify where best to empower and develop your employees.

Quality-focused change

Our overall focus for change and transformation is rooted in our years of assurance-focused experience. We provide you with robust insights to enhance your business and improve service delivery through a lens of feedback from trusted, collaborative experts.


Increase in
new member sales

International roadside assistance company

Drop in total calls that resulted in court time

Financial services legal

Increase in debt
collection revenue

Financial services company

Expert QA professional services solutions



Auditing your current QA activity against industry best practice using our proprietary QEA tool.



Undertaking targeted speech and text studies.


Form design


Scientific QA contact form design.

Business objectives


Align quality management programme with business objectives.



Ensure compliance with regulations and legal requirements.



Evaluating your QA processes to identify areas of improvement.



Supporting your customer engagement and analytics strategy.

Customer Services Director

"We were really impressed by the detailed and insightful output from the Quality Evaluation Audit carried out by BPA, which gave both reassurance of our strengths and a clear direction for areas of focus and future opportunity."

Rail Delivery Group

"We value your partnership, and your organisation has added a great deal of insight which has helped us to focus our priorities in the right area."


"The BPA team undertook a detailed QEA reviewing the operation, and followed up by presenting findings and recommendations to the Senior Leadership team. We found the recommendations were both helpful and insightful, giving us a clear focus and framework to further improve our ability to deliver excellent customer service. We have since implemented several of the recommendations with positive results
and are really happy with the value they have added."

Get in touch with us